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Suchergebnis 21-40 von 55 für ""

Erlebnisse und Tourismus
Christian Eilzer

Erlebnisse und Tourismus

Herstellung bei Anforderung

€ 51.50

A. Hein

Spatially Oriented Behavior

E-Book (PDF)
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€ 55.81

Principles of Electrolocation and Jamming Avoidance in Electric Fish
W. Heiligenberg

Principles of Electrolocation and Jamming Avoidance in Electric Fish

Besorgungstitel, genauer Preis und Liefertermin auf Anfrage!

€ 109.99

What is Orientation?
Werner Stegmaier

What is Orientation?

noch nicht eingetroffen, voraussichtlich ab 2024 lieferbar

€ 16.95

"Aufs Ganze besehen präsentiert St. einen ambitionierten Entwurf, der Verschiedenstes auf eine Kernstruktur zu beziehen vermag. Vieles ist bedenkenswert und bietet Anlass, über Grundsätzliches und weitgespannte Zusammenhänge nachzusinnen."
Stefan Berg in: Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik 2/2010

"Ein stattlicher Band von einem renommierten Verlag [...

Christoph Metzger

Building for Dementia

E-Book (EPUB)
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€ 24.99

Yu. B. Rudyak

On Thom Spectra, Orientability, and Cobordism

E-Book (PDF)
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€ 161.99

For many years, algebraic topology rests on three legs: "e;ordinary"e; cohomology, K-theory, and cobordism. This book is the first guide on the subject of cobordism since R. Stong's encyclopaedic and influential notes of a generation ago. It concentrates on Thom spaces (spectra), orientability theory and (co)bordism theory (including (co)bordism with singularities and, in particular, Morava K-theories), framed by (co)homology theories and spectra...

Werner Stegmaier

What is Orientation?

E-Book (EPUB)
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€ 29.95

Michael Bond


Nachauflage, voraussichtlich ab 2024 lieferbar

€ 14.80

A fascinating investigation of our ability to navigate: from the earliest humans, to cutting-edge spatial neuroscience, and the increasing loss, in today's world, of our ability to find our way.

W. Heiligenberg

Principles of Electrolocation and Jamming Avoidance in Electric Fish

E-Book (PDF)
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€ 111.83

This booklet, together with the following two,-which are well under way and will succeed it at intervals of, we hope, no more than six months, sets the stage for a new editorial enterprise in the field of brain science. The accent is on the functional aspects of brains rather than on their develop- ment, hence the title of the series...

Hans G. Wallraff

Avian Navigation: Pigeon Homing as a Paradigm

E-Book (PDF)
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€ 153.99

Avian Navigation
F. Papi

Avian Navigation

führen wir nicht mehr

€ 109.99

F. Papi

Avian Navigation

E-Book (PDF)
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€ 111.56

Right from the start of this century, field observations and the patient ringing of birds have made available a growing mass of data on the breeding and resting areas of migratory species and on the course, period and duration of their seasonal flights. Considered as a whole, this work on migration morphology commands admiration, and when view- ed in detail it reveals fascinating insights into the extraordinary naviga- tional performances of many bird species, which find their way over enormous distances...

H.-U. Schnitzler

Localization and Orientation in Biology and Engineering

E-Book (PDF)
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€ 112.21

The German Society of Cybernetics organizes international conferences on selected interdisciplinary topics in regular 3-year intervals. The aim of these meetings is to bring together scientists who work in quite different disciplines, but are confronted with related problems and use the same or similar approaches...

Localization and Orientation in Biology and Engineering
D. Varju

Localization and Orientation in Biology and Engineering

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€ 109.99

Peter Berthold

Avian Migration

E-Book (PDF)
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€ 311.55

P. Berthold and E. Gwinnd Bird migration is an intriguing aspect of the living world - so much so that it has been investigated for as long, and as thoroughly, as almost any other natural phenomenon. Aristotle, who can count as the founder of scientific ornithology, paid very close attention to the migrations of the birds he ob- served, but it was not until the reign of Friedrich II, in the first half of the 13th century, that reliable data began to be obtained...

Designing Orientation: Signage Concepts & Wayfinding Systems
Chris van Uffelen

Designing Orientation: Signage Concepts & Wayfinding Systems

in der Regel binnen 2 Werktagen versand- oder abholbereit

€ 41.10

Avian Navigation: Pigeon Homing as a Paradigm
Hans G. Wallraff

Avian Navigation: Pigeon Homing as a Paradigm

Besorgungstitel, genauer Preis und Liefertermin auf Anfrage!

€ 164.99

The Specificity Space Model
Daniel Lemmer

The Specificity Space Model

Besorgungstitel, genauer Preis und Liefertermin auf Anfrage!

€ 40.70

Culture of Shame / Culture of Guilt
Thomas Schirrmacher

Culture of Shame / Culture of Guilt

Besorgungstitel, genauer Preis und Liefertermin auf Anfrage!

€ 12.50

Building for Dementia
Christoph Metzger

Building for Dementia

Besorgungstitel, genauer Preis und Liefertermin auf Anfrage!

€ 30.70